Executive & Team Coaching

Our approach helps executives and senior leaders understand and challenge their internal meaning-making systems so they can begin to remove barriers that stunt their leadership. We take an inquiry-based approach to coaching that is both supportive and challenging for leaders. Pillars of our coaching model include a focus on identity consciousness and equity, to help ensure leaders foster and maintain a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment.

We help develop teams to operate with synergy. Our work helps team members identify their individual strengths, areas for growth, conflict styles, and how they can advance the goals of the organization as a cohesive unit. 

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Having a common and solid understanding of issues about diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and cultural intelligence is the first step. First Water Consultants are experts in the design and facilitation of responsive learning communities that foster critical reflection, growth and development among adults through open and honest conversations.

We work with your organization wherever they are on the continuum of becoming an anti-racist organization and help them create continued progress and advancement toward the next level of their unique journey.

Strategic Planning & Innovation

We help to grow ideas through design thinking workshops to advance new initiatives.

Simply put, design thinking is a way to solve problems through unabashed creativity and empathy for the people impacted by the solutions. We call this human-centered design. This strategy allows us to remain open and curious when we look for solutions to complex problems. Additionally, there are built in checkpoints throughout the process to make sure we don’t make assumptions while we continuously track any biases we may have that could impact any outcomes.

Further, we work with organizations to identify their underserved markets and create innovative products and services around these diverse market needs and interests. Our team leverages user experience and market demand to drive these results.