Lead Change With Excellence

We help leaders identify underlying causes of organizational obstacles and lead change with excellence. Our work is done at the nexus of adult development, change management and equity. We build collaborative work cultures that lead to innovation.

Lead With An Equity Lens

We help organizations begin or strengthen their DEI journeys through understanding the organization’s context and building upon that context by constructing and facilitating customized DEI focused strategies and learning agendas.

Identify How You Make Sense of the World & How That Impacts Your Organization

Our approach helps people understand and challenge their internal meaning-making systems so they can remove barriers that stunt leadership and personal growth.

Our Method

We support leaders and teams at the intersection of adaptive leadership, organizational development and occupational cultures. We do this while teaching individuals how to interrogate themselves, understand and interrupt their own biases and lead conversations about sensitive topics such as race, gender inequity, income disparity and cultural difference.

psychological safety

Our work centers around an understanding of adult development theory and executive coaching with a focus on DEI.

inquiry based approach

We take an inquiry-based approach focused on identity consciousness and equity.